TC 66 RTU Tub & Tile Cleaner

TC 66 RTU Tub & Tile Cleaner is an environmentally responsible, biodegradable formula based on the state-of-the-art safe acid technology found in our Focus TC 66 Tub & Tile concentrate. This non-abrasive cleaner won’t harm tile or porcelain surfaces and contains a fresh Ruby Red Grapefruit fragrance that lingers long after use. TC 66 RTU removes dirt, soap scum, body oils, calcium and iron deposits from most surfaces including walls, tubs, showers, toilet bowls, urinals and grout. Conveniently packaged in a clear 32 oz. trigger sprayer bottle.

Container Sizes Available:

One Gallon Container
Five Gallon Container
Thirty Gallon Container
Fifty-Five Gallon Container
Formula # 2122 Category Tag